Marriage Counselling

Create A Happy, Healthy and Loving Marriage

  • Are constant arguments threatening to destroy your marriage?
  • Has the quality of your marriage dropped to the point where you are wondering if you should stay together anymore?
  • Has it been a long time since you and your partner shared a deep and satisfying sense of intimacy and connection?

All marriages go through difficult times. Financial issues, disagreements about how to raise your children (or step-children), work pressures, issues associated with drugs or alcohol and other issues can drive couples apart. It may be a long time since you really talked to each other. It may be a long time since you went through a week (or even a day) without an argument. It may be weeks (or months) since you made love together.

It may be a long time since you went through a week (or even a day) without an argument.

Unresolved conflict can build up in any marriage, leading to less communication and closeness. You may think that your husband or wife doesn’t understand you. You may be struggling with anger and arguments. You may be feeling completely lost-knowing that your marriage can be better than it is, but not sure how to change it. Or you may have given up-deciding that it is better to accept things as they are and not “rock the boat”. You may be living in a “half-marriage”-getting on with the daily tasks of going to work and raising the children-but missing out on the closeness, intimacy, friendship and love that a truly fulfilling marriage can offer.

Every marriage experiences significant challenges at some point.

Every marriage will experience significant challenges at some point. For some couples these challenges may last only days or weeks. For others, these challenges may stretch from weeks into months and months-leading to both partners getting increasingly desperate and despondent about their marriage.

One of the reasons that it is hard for couples to escape from these challenging times is that few of us have learned the skills to have a happy marriage. Many of us lack role models that could teach us these skills. Our parents may have lacked good communication or conflict resolution skills. We may have grown up with unhelpful patterns of responding to our own anger or feelings of disappointment. Or we may have been raised in a home that is so different to our partner’s that any way of responding to marital issues simply do not apply in our marriage.

One of the reasons that it is hard for couples to escape from these challenging times is that few of us have learned the skills to have a happy marriage.

Fortunately, despite all the challenges of marriage, there is hope. Marriage counselling can help you and your partner work through any issue in your marriage. Marriage counselling can also teach you skills that you have never learned anywhere else. These skills can make a profound difference in your marriage. Even a few sessions of marriage counselling can lead to change that can last the rest of your life!

Marriage Counselling can help you heal your marriage.

If you are stuck in an unhappy marriage, marriage counselling can transform your relationship. Having a third party present as you talk about your relationship helps you see issues from other perspectives. A professional and experienced marriage counsellor will help you find practical ways to deal with relationship problems that you may never have thought of. Marriage counsellors can also teach you skills for relating to each other more positively-leading to a relationship that can feel as good as (or better!) than your relationship was when you first got together.

As a marriage counsellor for over 25 years, I have helped hundreds of couples develop stronger, happier and more loving marriages. These couples have come to see me for many issues, including:

  • anger management
  • communication skills
  • parenting or step-parenting issues
  • rebuilding trust after an affair
  • developing more closeness or intimacy in a marriage.

"I understand that marriage counselling may benefit my relationship, but I still have questions..."

How long does marriage counselling take?

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I have had marriage counselling before and it didn't work.

"The Best Investment We Have Made"

My clients often tell me that marriage counselling has been the best investment that they have made as a couple. Even one session of marriage counselling can help couples deal with issues that they have ignored for too long. To find out whether marriage counselling is for you, book a FREE 15 minute phone consultation with me now, or book marriage counselling now.